
Karate Kata Moveset Database (Django)

This project is a CRUD application displaying Shotokan Karate techniques and move set for each kata or form. It also has profile login to limit who can add and update data. Still a work-in-progress.

My teacher had this idea of a karate kata database so he could find answers to questions such as "How many attacks are there in front-stance compared to blocks in back-stance?" and I thought that would be a great Django project.

Django Github repo

Live demo on Railway at https://karatedb-django-production.up.railway.app

KataDB moveset table

Dragon Quest Monsters Database (FastAPI+Streamlit)

This is a game information database for the Gameboy game called 'Dragon Warrior Monsters,' also known in Japan as 'Dragon Quest Monsters - Terry's Wonderland.'

I was incredibly frustrated with how some of the other web guides made me click through countless number of links to find what I needed, so I decided to make my own. In hindsight, it could've been done with just HTML.

This project is a read-only database using SQLite. Back-end built using FastAPI + SQLModel and Streamlit for the front-end. Project built with the help of the Pybites Developer Mindset Program, a coaching program designed to help develop skills to become a better Python developer.

Read about my experience building the project in a Pybites blogpost.

FastAPI back-end Github repo

Streamlit front-end Github repo

FastAPI deployed on Deta. Access the SwaggerUI docs at https://em4lp8.deta.dev/docs

Streamlit deployed on Streamlit Cloud. Access at https://dqmonstersdb.streamlit.app

Swagger UI screenshot Streamlit screenshot


Minesweeper game made with TKinter

I followed a freeCodeCamp tutorial to learn object-oriented programming.

I made some improvements of my own to make it similar to the original game by changing up the interface and creating a difficulty option.

This project also motivated me to beat minesweeper at the highest difficulty of 99 mines for the first time.

Minesweeper Github repo

Minesweeper screenshot