I wrote for Pybites!

Posted on Tue 14 February 2023 in learning, writing • Tagged with pybites, PDM, blogging

I wrote about my experience developing my app idea during my time in the Pybites Developer Mindset Program on the Pybites blog. Considering I've been a long time listener and fan to the podcast, I never thought I would be writing for their blog!

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Pybites Developer Mindset

Posted on Tue 07 February 2023 in learning • Tagged with pybites, PDM

The PDM program through Pybites helped me get out of tutorial hell

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Hit Restart

Posted on Tue 22 November 2022 in learning • Tagged with tutorial-hell

Post #20 Restart blogging (again...)

It has been more than a year since I updated this blog and it seems to me that I have not practiced persistance like I should have. I re-read blog post #17 Persistence and felt bad about myself since I did absolutely nothing of what …

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Learning HTML5 and CSS3

Posted on Sun 19 September 2021 in frontend • Tagged with html5, css3

Introduction of HTML5 and CSS3 using freeCodeCamp

HTML5 and CSS3 are the backbone for any website and I didn't know the basics at all. This is one of the reasons I chose to use Pelican and Markdown to write this blog. For some reason, I thought HTML5 would be somewhat …

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Learning Django

Posted on Fri 17 September 2021 in Django • Tagged with django

Post #18 Django website building

I've been building a personal Django website for the past couple of months or so without too much progress. The reason I started learning Django was because the database my workplace uses is a Django website hosted on a internal server. I joined this project …

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Posted on Sun 22 August 2021 in learning

Post #17 Persistence

The last entry was in February of 2021, 6 months ago. A lot has happened in the world, but I personally feel like not much has happened to me and I unfortunately stopped updating this blog. I returned to my workplace back in the beginning or middle …

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February update

Posted on Thu 11 February 2021 in learning • Tagged with matplotlib, pyplot, data and algorithms, django, leetcode, database

Post #16 Too many topics!

I've been working on a couple different topics these past couple of weeks and now I think it was a bad idea to spread myself thin. I hadn't been able to make a blogpost of a topic in depth.

Here are some of the things …

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Matplotlib pyplots tutorial

Posted on Mon 25 January 2021 in matplotlib • Tagged with matplotlib, pyplot, tutorial

Post #15 Pyplot tutorial

I actually learned how to use some of the basics of pyplot last week, but this blog post is a little delayed due to the previous long Pelican posts.
For my current job, we are creating plots from csv files and would like to display them …

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Wrestling with Pelican part 2

Posted on Fri 22 January 2021 in pelican • Tagged with pelican, configuration

Post #14 Pelican configuration

The initial set-up of pelican wasn't the difficult part. You can get a basic static site up and running, but I wanted to get fancy with some of the configurations. Below are the main configurations I messed with before deploying my static site on github pages …

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Wrestling with Pelican part 1

Posted on Fri 22 January 2021 in pelican • Tagged with pelican

Post #13 Setting up Pelican

After finallly understanding what was wrong with how I was using the virtual environment, I thought it wouldn't be too difficult getting this pelican blog up and running. I was wrong.

Pelican quickstart with v4.5.4

Installing pelican wasn't too difficult and the pelican …

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VSCode venv struggle

Posted on Fri 15 January 2021 in VSCode • Tagged with VSCode, pelican

Post #12 Making a virtual environment in VSCode

I was attempting to get Pelican static site generator to work on VSCode so I could move this blog to a static site that I put together (put together as in 'I set-up and didn't fork over from Github').

Planning to move …

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SQL practice on HackerRank

Posted on Thu 14 January 2021 in SQL • Tagged with sql, hackerrank

Post #11 Just some more SQL practice

I've found more SQL practice to try on Hackerrank and after going through the Udemy course. There were some tricky problems and I did get more practice with commands I didn't get to practice too much with like DISTINCT and I found that …

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Beginning SQL cont.

Posted on Tue 12 January 2021 in SQL • Tagged with sql, Udemy

Post #10 Udemy MySQL bootcamp course

Continuing from the previous post, I got through most of The Ultimate MySQL Bootcamp: Go from SQL Beginner to Expert. In the previous post, I went through some of the basic SQL commands on creating, inserting, and viewing data.

Other topics

  • Logical operators -- these …

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Starting SQL

Posted on Mon 04 January 2021 in SQL • Tagged with sql, Udemy

Post #9 SQL

I started a Udemy course learning SQL during winter break 2020 since I wanted to learn how to make a database (My goal is to learn back-end programming). The syllabus I'm following recommended the Udemy course The Ultimate MySQL Bootcamp: Go from SQL Beginner to Expert by …

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Hackerrank for practice

Posted on Fri 18 December 2020 in learning • Tagged with python, hackerrank

Post #8 Hackerrank

I use Hackerrank as practice tool to practice python since September 2020. I am the type of learner that needs a lot of practice to be proficient in something so hackerrank had been a good website to use when there wasn't many exercises in the textbooks I …

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Need to write!

Posted on Fri 11 December 2020 in motivation

Post 7 Need to write!

It has been awhile since I've posted anything on this blog with the last entry as Sept 3rd. Kind of sad to show I have some difficulty continuing this blog that should be important to document how I am learning how to program. It's also …

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Self-taught programmer, the book

Posted on Thu 03 September 2020 in learning • Tagged with python, self-taught programmer

Post #6

I am 130 pages into the "Self-Taught Programmer" book by Cory Althoff and found that it is very sparse on the details. So far this book looks more like a 'crash course' compared to the the Python crash course book I previously read most of. I am a …

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Posted on Thu 27 August 2020 in learning • Tagged with python, python crash course, pybites

Post #5 Learning by oneself

Learning by yourself can be difficult. When you're stuck, google is your friend and stackoverflow helps if you understand some of the words. I've gone through most of the basic things to know in Python from the Python crash course book. So far, I think …

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Motivation problems

Posted on Thu 20 August 2020 in learning • Tagged with python, python crash course

Post #4 How to motivate oneself

Self-teaching has been a bit difficult. At least two weeks have passed since the last post. I've had problems staying motivated after looking at the chapter dealing with functions in Python Crash Course. I've also been furloughed again from the start of August, which …

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Early struggles

Posted on Tue 04 August 2020 in programming • Tagged with jekyll

Post #3

So I just struggled for 2 hours on how to change the stupid logo on the top lefthand corner from the jekyll test tube logo to my preferred logo. I'm not sure why it was so difficult, but finding the url for it took quite a time. There …

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