I wrote for Pybites!

Posted on Tue 14 February 2023 in learning, writing

Post #22 I wrote an article for the Pybites blog!

As mentioned in the previous post, I went through the Pybites Developer Mindset Program and built the Dragon Quest Monster Database app idea (Post #18) I had partially built using Django a year and a half ago.

At the end of the program, Bob invited me to write for their blog about building the app. I was more than happy to and ended up writing a lot about the whole process. I didn't explain in detail what the problems were and how I managed to solve it since it would've been too long. I detailed some of the process and highlighted what frameworks I used.

Read the blogpost at https://pybit.es/articles/my-experience-building-a-fastapi-streamlit-app/

I am still planning on writing a more technical post concerning the problems I faced in SQLModel on this personal blog.

Writing for an audience

Writing for an audience was difficult. This personal blog is usually a word vomit of thoughts without too many edits, but when writing for a blog that has a lot more traffic than this one, you might want to edit a lot.

First draft had about 1900 words and it was looong. Feedback to the draft was that it didn't get to the point as quickly. I do agree that I was rambling and had a lot extraneous details that could be cut out. I was going for a conversational tone, but heavy explanation does lead to "I did this and then did that" sort of writing.

In the end, I cut out detailed portions, reworded some sentences to add back some of the details that were cut, and got more to the point . All in all, it was a good experience writing for them and I hope I got the point across to the reader that I had learned a lot from the program.