The Story so far

Posted on Fri 31 July 2020 in learning

Post #2

I've been learning how to program in python for about a month using the book (Python Crash Course: A Hands-on, Project-Based Introduction to Programming. 2nd edition)[]. It's a pretty good book to start with and explains the basics pretty well (variables, lists, if elif else statements, for loops, dictionaries, while loops, function, and classes), but it doens't go too in-depth. I've had no trouble understanding the concepts and doing some of the exercises in the book.

So it has been a good start.

I bought this book in a humble bundle book bundle which had a lot of other books concerning other programming languages. I check humble bundle each month to see whether their next book bundle interests me or not. I recommend it to anyone as they give so much for so little and the money goes to charity.

Why start with python?

Back in highschool, I studied Java using the Eclipse IDE for a AP computer science class. I remember the class being hard, fun, and frustrating at times. I never memorized the syntax well enough to do good on the tests. I did end up with a poor AP test score and didn't pursue the subject after (which I now kind of regret). Java was not very nice with syntax and difficult to understand and maybe why it didn't stick with me. Taking back programming in the present day, I find there are many many more programming languages out there to learn. C, C++, C#, ruby, python, R, rust, php, visual basic, java, javascript, etc. I ended up choosing python due to its simple syntax for its easy readability and its use in data analysis, automation, script writing, etc, that may be useful in my current job. It also helps that the popularity of python has been increasing year to year and makes the top 5 programming languages on many different lists. I hope to learn the basics and logic of programming with python and be able to transfer that knowledge to any other languages I end up studying later.