Need to write!

Posted on Fri 11 December 2020 in motivation

Post 7 Need to write!

It has been awhile since I've posted anything on this blog with the last entry as Sept 3rd. Kind of sad to show I have some difficulty continuing this blog that should be important to document how I am learning how to program. It's also important to show growth and improvement so that someday I read these entries with some nostalgia and cringe (and show prospective employers that I do take learning seriously).

There are various things I would like to discuss such as finally starting to learn how to use git and github, regular python practice using and python morsel, learning markdown syntax, and motivation during the pandemic, but one thing at a time. This dumpster fire of a year of 2020 is coming to close and 2021 won't be too different as change is gradual and vaccinations for COVID-19 for the entire population will be slow. Normalcy pre-COVID still seems like a far off dream.